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Socio-Labour field

Occupational Rehabilitation Center for people with Serious Mental Disorder, as part of the Social-Health Care Network of Extremadura.

Public Program of Social and Community Inclusion for people with Serious Mental Disorder, as part of the Social-Health Care Network of Extremadura.

Public Program of Orientation and Labor Inclusion for people with Serious Mental Disorder, as part of the Social-Health Care Network of Extremadura.

Activities for the labor inclusion of varied groups at risk of exclusion, that involves close collaboration with companies, due to our role as official collaborating entity of Extremadura Incorpora Program of Obra Social La Caixa.

Annual management of training courses with interships at companies that provide participants feasible possibilities for labour insertion, in our role as Incorpora Training Provider. 

Varied annual training in collaboration with other entities that work with people with disabilities.

Therapeutical field

Integral psychological care adapted to children and families, as well as to any other individual.

Psychomotricity care, interaction between knowlegde, emotion and movement.

Psychopedagogy services. Educational orientation to students with some learning dificulty.

Speech therapy services. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of communication, language, speech and voice disorders.

Neuropsychology services directed to with cognitive impairment due to mental illness, neurodevelopmental disorders, neurodegenerative diseases in their early stages, non-degenerative diseases that present with cognitive impairment, attention and / or concentration difficulties and people with suspected cognitive impairment.




FSR is a collaborating entity in Ítaca´s program, whose main objective is to improve the employability of young people who are already transitioning between educational and professional worlds, but that feel confused and without resources or any guidance.



Programa de Crecimiento e Inserción Sociolaboral - CRISOL - (Growth and Socio-labour Inclusion Program) is formed by specific action programs that aim at qualifying or re-qualifying people from urban areas that are suffering from social exclusion or at risk of it. 


This project aims to improve the ability of perceiving, sharing and understanding emotions and feelings, as well as to use art as the main channel to raise awareness regarding the social reality and environment of young people and minors with mental illnesses.


DÉDALO´s main goal is to work for the improvement in the quality of life of people with mental illness, by means of workshops to train socio-labor skills through art, sewing and tailoring and elaboration of handicrafts and accessories.

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